Saturday, November 30, 2013

"Outpost" by Ann Aguirre

Warning: Outpost  is the second book in the Razorland Trilogy, if you haven't read the first book you may not want to read this.

Outpost just like Enclave, was an extremely suspenseful book.I love dystopian or post-apocalyptic books, anything that says 'For Fans of the Hunger Games' usually sells me. What I really loved about this book though, was that its post-apocalyptic alright, but the world is still a mess there's no real establishments or government yet. It's all about the will to survive. 

After having discovered the town Salvation, you'd think things for Duece would have started getting  better, but they're only getting worse. In the Enclave at fifteen she was considered an adult, capable of fighting and making her own rational decisions, but here in Salvation she's just another dumb kid in need of learning. She doesn't fit in with anyone here, and even Fade has distanced himself from her. After struggling along like this for a while, things eventually start to look up. She could see herself being rooted to the town and some of the people in it, only to have tragedy start to strike. Anyone who disliked her before, may quickly come to realize how much Salvation needs her. Duece and her friends may be their only chance of survival.

OH. MY. WORD. I never really know what to expect in these books. I don't know what characters are safe to get attached too. I'd like to think the main characters are safe, but after reading this, like Duece said saftey is an illusion. Through out this book, I was so back and forth. I would be happy one minute, then be scared for the characters the next minute. I've never cried reading a book, but I can honestly say I was almost brought to tears near the end of this book. It's seriously freaking awesome, and Ann Aguirre really new what she was doing. I'm already half way through the third book, Horde. Honestly, if you love any of the following: dystopian themes, love triangles, post-apocalypses, action, suspense, and so on; This trilogy really is a must read!

Note: If you were wondering what completely happened to the Enclave, and Thimble and Stone, Amazon has an ebook strictly about that called Endurance. I thought i'd mention that because it personally was driving me insane not 100% knowing.
                                                                              Rating 5 out of 5.

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