Tuesday, November 12, 2013

"Gregor the Overlander" by Suzanne Collins

Gregor The Overlander  is another wonderful novel by The Hunger Games author, Suzanne Collins.  This book and it's sequels are not Dystopian themed like her well known Hunger Games Trilogy. This series takes place in modern time with a fantasy twist. 

In wonderful New York City, lived Gregor and his family. Gregor was kept home from camp this year to watch his sister Boots while their mother worked. They're father had disappeared years before, and now their grandma was too ill to watch her. Gregor was rather bitter about it and thought his whole summer would be a total bust. Until the unthinkable happened. Gregor and his sister went to do the laundry in the laudromat in their apartment building.  Gregor was loading the washer while Boots played ball. Then his sister's ball fell behind a washer and when she went to retrieve it she was sucked down a rather large air vent. Gregor tried to look down to see if he could see boots, but it seemed to go on forever fading into blackness. He knew he couldn't leave her so he went after her. It seemed he was falling down the air shaft forever, riding the air current down. Once he reached the bottom, he knew he was far away from the city's surface. He had no idea how to get back either. He found Boots right away, but then something or actually a group of something or someone was coming out of the dark corners. Fear over took him quickly and he couldn't believe what he was looking at.

I loved this book, they had a different style then The Hunger Games.I wouldn't even had guessed Suzanne wrote it. I believe originally this book and it's sequels were intended for a younger audience, but after having my friends read them, myself read them, and seeing several reviews I believe the Young Adult audience took over. In other words I guess it reminds me of the Harry Potter Books, not because there's witches or wizards or anything, but because it appeals to such a large age group. It was definitely interesting to read and rather strange to think about. It's something I honestly wouldn't mind re-reading sometime soon. It cracks me up when people are like "OMG! I am the biggest Suzanne Collins fan!", to which I reply, "Oh what did you think of Gregor?", then they get completely lost. Yeah biggest fan alright. If you're the "biggest fan" I highly recommend you go ahead and read Gregor and the Underland Chronicles. Young, old, or in between, you won't be disappointed.                    

                                                                                                  Rating 5 out of 5.

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